Technical Writing Services

Technical writing services in 35 languages worldwide

In the electronic age, the written word has again become significant in the promotion of your organisation. For example, with the advent of web-based information, the window of attention that readers are prepared to allow becomes shorter. So your copy needs to be clear, concise and attention-holding – it must communicate the information and enhance your brand.

Does your literature do justice to the product or service? Does the text include terms that are unfamiliar to your target market? Do you think the copy is succinct, snappy and successful?

We translate specialised jargon into plain English that is quickly grasped by the reader; we check for technical accuracy, contemporary expression and focus for the local market. We originate and edit copy for all kinds of corporate communications – brochures, manuals, websites, reports and newsletters – in a variety of sectors: financial services, IT, industrial manufacturing, consumer products, training.

However complex the material, we can assemble it into coherent form, in fluent language, to communicate rapidly the content and the corporate image. 

… for simple editing or presentation advice on your written material or send us more details about your technical writing requirements through our contact form.