There’s no such thing as a rational decision

There’s no such thing as a rational decision

I love making decisions: they are PROGRESS + HOPE = EXPECTATION and I’ve always suspected they come with their own safety net: make enough and they tend to cancel each other out eventually – just like placing hundreds of each-way bets. I’ve taken pride, throughout my...
Going Global 2016

Going Global 2016

I went to this 2-day event in Olympia, partly because I had been asked to give a talk about ways to maximise your investment in translation (namely, turn it into a profit-making exercise, not a cost to be borne between gritted teeth) and partly because I wanted to get...
I’ve been on a plane

I’ve been on a plane

We arrived back from our travels to find our perfectly flat wooden flooring in France had gone rogue: it now undulated like waves in a small harbour. After previous incidents that I would call ‘learning experiences’ but H talks about as national catastrophes on a par...